Here is where the game’s attention to narrative game design makes what could have been a lackluster experience really shine. The only way to evolve your brood and prepare for large-scale assaults is to take on missions outside the colony. Your home base is the formicarium, where resources are limited and must be earned through progression.
The main storyline centers on a fictional new breed of ant, formica ereptor, whose ability to incorporate the DNA of other ants into its own brood makes it an object of interest to scientists. Though the game is still in Early Access on Steam-meaning that it is still undergoing active development-the mechanics are all in place and the game is shaping up to be a unique entry in the RTS genre. The game is framed as a nature documentary: The narrator observes as the player directs their colony to harvest food, develops a brood of ant workers and soldiers, and battles other creatures. In the style of classic real-time strategy (RTS) games like “Dungeon Keeper,” where players carve out an underground lair and build up their economy and military forces, indie game company Slug Disco’s newest game places the player in control of an ant colony in a number of situations.
Ants: they’re creepy to some, cute to others, and inspirational to a handful of independent video game developers.